
“Ignorance is not a force.
What you are watching in the world
is the collapse of ignorance,
giving place to conscience,
and it is a call for
nothing other than
permission . . .

. . . the glad, embracing
focus of


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Jesus beheld the perfect man,
who appeared to him
where sinning mortal man
appears to mortals.


In this perfect man

the Saviour saw

God’s own likeness,
and this correct view of man
healed the sick.

                                                              — Mary Baker Eddy —




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Jesus’ three days work 

in the sepulchre

set the seal of eternity on time,

proved Life to be deathless,

and Love to be

the master of hate.


                                                              — Mary Baker Eddy —




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PAUL.   I’m still not getting it, am I? I’m still “doing it my way” instead of (y)our way—even if it’s something right but out of sequence . . . not where it divinely fits in.

RAJ.   Yes, that is true. It is not that you are going in the wrong direction. It’s that we aren’t going in the right direction together . . . which necessarily means that WE aren’t being the evidence of the Father “working His Purpose out as day succeeds to day.”

It’s simple.

Nothing you have learned today is irrelevant or unrelated to what we are and will be doing, but we have to be in conscious relationship in order for it to be what “we” are doing. And I certainly won’t be joining in doing something separate and apart from the Father’s Will. That is (y)our safeguard, security and “open sesame” to experiencing the Kingdom of Heaven . . . Reality.

So, why not?

Everything we do will then be joyous, meaningful, and only fulfilling, just as it is right now!

To you, this may not make practical sense! After all, we are not addressing issues or resolving problems. But we have broken, and are breaking the isolation of independence, privacy . . . the act of “divorce” from the Father.

This means that to the degree that we’re joined, illusion is playing no part in our union! And that is not insignificant!

It means that the requirements of Atonement have been met, and that the fulness of what Atonement is can become illuminated as we persist in our conscious union.

Most importantly, it means that the fact that ours is not a special or exclusive relationship CAN BEGIN TO REGISTER.

What does that mean? It means that our union, right now, is actually inclusive of every member of the Brotherhood, and your “seeming” to be joined only with me is similar to your having only been able to hear me with your eyes closed in the very beginning.

Like the sun rising, which begins with a glow in the eastern sky—with simple shapes on the horizon silhouetted—and then continuing to rise, illuminating more and more of everything from east to west, our being joined “only” with each other will now begin to give place to communion with more and more of the Awakened Brotherhood—until not one Brother’s or Sister’s conscious awareness of anything will be exclusive of (y)ours.

This is the Awakening! This is the Atonement!

Because it happens only as one gives permission and only as one invites it, it is revealed only in part, and therefore is not overwhelming. It wasn’t, for example, until our communication was well-established that we were able to hold Gatherings—and then, at a later point, for you to finally open your eyes and look at the one’s asking questions—without it distracting you from your connection with me.

And so, the apparently radical experience of “hearing” me for the very first time, while sitting on the sofa in your office with your eyes closed and a dictaphone in your hand “in case something happened,” was not the ultimate. It changed continually, apparently becoming ever more radical . . . and that’s all that’s continuing to happen now.

It is the same for everyone. Communion starts out simply in the quietness of one’s Being . . . not as a salve to get one through this life, but as the first step leading one perfectly to the point of looking into his brother’s eyes in this life and recognizing God instead of whatever either one of them might “think.” Such a frame of Mind, such Brotherhood, can be summed up in these words:

“What is the more
of what God is
being here?”

Letting this be one’s presence of Mind . . . the Presence of Awareness . . . the Conscious Experience of Being . . . the Ground of Being . . . that before Which nothing exists, and in Which, all exist . . . is the destination!

“What is the more
of what God is
being here?”

It is not a “question” you ask your “self,” because before you have a single thought or imagine that you have a “self,” You ARE the Asking! You ARE the formless Awareness that IS the curiosity. You ARE therefore, the Divine Constancy . . . LISTENING AND THEREFORE HEARING . . . because that is the Condition of Creation!

This all-inclusive union
is as radical as it gets!

This is what it’s all leading to!

This is the sun fully risen!


And this is my Easter message.

Kingston, Washington
March 25, 2024

Posted in CONVERSATIONS | 2 Comments



This was first shared on January 12, 2017


The Post-Truth Era

Is Truth important any more? Is It now passé? Was It ever really valid? Or was It simply a useful concept like those of “reason” and “logic” with which to manipulate and finesse one another into some sense of harmony that would otherwise be unavailable in the “structureless chaotic nature” of being?

Has Truth been nothing more than imagination brought to bear upon disorder, suggesting the presence of principles and therefore of structure or stability which provided comfort even though they were imaginations? In the “Post-Truth Era,” are we just now discovering the unnerving fact that there is no Truth?

So it would seem.

The idea that whatever is said, if said confidently and often enough, can be safely believed and relied upon requires the suspension of common sense. In that state of suspension, illusion becomes an involving alluring substitute for Reality, and in that state of suspension Reality becomes an unwelcome intruder, disturbing the continuity and attractive nature of the illusion, disallowing for communication with anyone who is not participating in the illusion and causing the loss of friends or communication with family members who have suddenly become strangers because their perception of Truth has changed.

To be sure, the suspension of common sense on the basis of faith in the words of another is not always a result of coercion. It is often engaged in as an escape from things difficult to deal with or an avoidance of self-responsibility. The point is that no matter what the reason, “suspending common sense” results in suspending Truth.

It is Truth which allows for the distinction to be made between Reality and unreality, right and wrong, honesty and dishonesty, and the reason is that Truth is the measure of things. It is not only important and valid, It is absolute! It is like light. You bring darkness to it and the light discloses that darkness is not there. You bring illusions to Truth and Truth discloses that they are not there.

Truth is absolutely dominant, and is the measure which, because It is unchangeable, discloses no disease where disease had seemed to be, no misunderstanding where misunderstanding had seemed to be, and life where death had seemed so imminent and real.

There is no post-Truth era, unless one wants a justification for being dishonest, ill, hateful, prejudiced, and on and on. Talk about the
Post-Truth Era enough and you may find others willing to suspend common sense as well, and confirm it—not just as an idea, but as a behavior! But it doesn’t make any of it real, and it does make those joining in it deluded.

In the Post-Truth Era, Truth is not particularly popular or valuable or valued. Personal opinions are. Mutual agreements and mutual disagreements and the negotiations which lie therein are more highly valued than the two-step, the holy instant, the act which asks of Truth, “What is Truth?” and then gives voice to the Voice for Truth.

Truth is what the lie is a substitute for.
Love is what hate is the call for.
And Reality is what illusion is the distortion of.

There is much grief, sadness, anger and disillusionment being felt presently, and the primary reason is that it is demoralizing for the repeated practice of lying, of misrepresentation, of vacillating from one position to another, to be engaged in as though it’s nothing more than a way of communicating—senseless though it might be. It is demoralizing for Truth to be misrepresented as meaningless—or as meaning whatever you choose it to be at any given time.

If you are experiencing these feelings, it means you have taken the bait and are doubting Truth, doubting Its absoluteness, doubting that It is the absolute measure of all things, reporting the presence of God there, there, there, and over there. It means that you have been finessed into the belief that the meaninglessness of Truth is holding sway and may be lost forever. That is dispiriting!

You may feel all alone in your awareness that Truth is still real and valuable, that it is Truth Which gives Meaning to everything, to all that God is being (and He is being All), but you may rest assured that even in your apparent aloneness, you are anchored in Reality, in Sanity, and are being the Measure that those who have suspended common sense—abandoned Truth—will use to make their way back into the conscious experience of what Reality is. Patience and forbearance will see you through.

Personhood or Brotherhood

What will provide you with this patience and forbearance is understanding what causes the loss of the capacity to distinguish Truth from illusion, and it’s quite simple.

In the mutual agreement of two Sons and/or Daughters of God to get a divorce from their Father by choosing to define Creation in their “own” creative ways, they simply substituted “thinking” for “attention.” Instead of being the observing of Creation with the Father and confirming it as the Father’s—performing their Function as co-creators with God—they stopped giving their attention to Creation with Him and began “thinking” of new definitions to apply to the constantly forthcoming manifestation of the Movement of the Mind of God so that they might have the audacity to confirm it as theirs.

What they didn’t realize was that they were establishing a sense of “personhood” that they would have to fill with personal preferences, perspectives and goals which would form a persona—a definition of themselves which they would have to interminably midwife anew into the world, having forgotten that their identity was already forever unchangeably established in the Mind of God. And so it is today.

Put another way, they created egos for themselves and for each other. In this way, instead of providing themselves with incredible freedom of self-expression and authority, they actually adopted an imprisoning form of privacy—an unconsciousness of the infinite perspective which was theirs by Birthright—functioning rather like a black hole, irresistably pulling the experience of Being down into an experience of “becoming,” and therefore one of eternal dissatisfaction. And so it is today.

This irresistable lure to give birth to an ever-improved persona caused the process of creating and negotiating new mutual agreements to become one of pure competition, and the only tools available to be used were the two unexpected elements that came into play at the time of the separation . . . which were Fear and Guilt. And so it is today.

Now, Fear and Guilt, as an everpresent frame of mind, coupled with Fear and Guilt as the only means of accomplishing anything in relationships, is an unnatural condition, and no matter how skillful one may have become in “forcing” a peaceful arrangement of people and things, anger resides just below the surface. One’s divine Sanity remains, whether one is behaving insanely or not, and does not allow for peace when one is insisting upon being a persona—when one is out of his right Mind.

This anger is a wake-up call. It says, “Notice how you’re using your Mind!” It is a call for the holy instant. It is a call for Brotherhood instead of personhood—a call for joining with your fellowman after first joining with the Father and undoing the divorce, the separation. In fact, it must be done for your fellowman, else one is still serving person-hood.

But, when one is caught up in a sense of a private mind, separate and apart from his brother, it’s tricky! The anger is projected out onto the world and his fellowman, and they are the cause of his distress—not him and his poor use of his Mind. Missing the cue, he walks around like a live grenade, ready to blow, but intent on not blowing by using fear and guilt to manipulate everyone and everything by the sheer force of his will.

Although the undercurrent of anger doesn’t keep one from distinguishing Truth from illusion, it causes one to opt for illusion because it seems that is the only thing one can control. But here’s the problem. If the anger is aroused, if there is a rabblerouser or warmonger whose rhetoric inflames one’s anger, discernment becomes impaired, the tares and wheat become indistinguishable, and one trusts the untrustworthy. Anger unchecked causes loss of communication with those who recognize Truth, with those who are trustworthy.

When you understand this, you understand what you can and cannot do, and you don’t attempt the impossible. Those who cannot distinguish Truth from illusion, who have spiraled down from Being to “becoming” and have succumbed to anger motivations, require sober observation and prayer. Healing is needed. But until healing is asked for, until healing is wanted, there is nothing you can do except to watch carefully to see that they bring no harm to either of you.

The rift seen in so many places on your globe represents the prevailing extremity of fear and the incredibly imbalanced ethic of taking care of Number One, and it represents the willingness to override brotherly love for the sake of self-protection.

In the presence of fear aroused to the level of anger—gladly expressed as further division and separation of the Brotherhood, of mankind—it requires the peace-mongers who are not as loud and fiery to stand with patience and forbearance, unmoved in the inner experience of the fact that this is not a Post-Truth Era, that Truth is valid, is important, is not passé, and then share that Knowing which is forthcoming with those who are asking, those who do want to know, those who do want peace, those who are willing to do the work of shifting their allegiance from personhood to Brotherhood.

The Correction of Sickness and Sin

There is an important learning in this: The correction of sin is different from the correction of sickness. Why? Because sin is an act of will, consciously engaged in, while sickness is a belief entertained as a result of the ignorance of Truth. The sick are healed, whereas the sinner is reformed. And the reformation of the sinner is always the evidence of the decision to abandon self-will. This decision cannot be done for the “sinner” by another, while it can be done for the sick by one bearing witness to his divinity.

It may be your clear experience that when you listen for the Voice for Truth on behalf of another there is a change which occurs—healing takes place. And logic may tell you that this must apply to every situation. But when willfulness is exercised for purposes of control and abuse, when dishonesty is practiced for purposes of misleading another for one’s personal gain or to take advantage of him, more is called for than witnessing for the holiness of the one being willful.

There is a reason for the existence of the word “repent.” It is because correction—the healing of the “sinner”—will not be effected by simply loving him as God’s self-expression. It is embodied in the words, “Go, and sin no more.” Reformation—changed behavior as the result of a change of heart and mind—is not only essential to the healing of the sinner, it is the healing. This is why I said, “until healing is asked for, until healing is wanted, there is nothing you can do.” The difference between the sick and the sinning is that the sick want healing, while the sinner wants nothing to interfere with his independent self-centered authority—his persona.

When one loses a sense of distinction between the ego and the Son of God, he must understand that a correction is needed. He must revisit the moment when a grievance became righteous anger, opening a doorway to confusion—shifting from Brotherhood to personhood. When a lie is still being superimposed on the mind of humanity, it is still a time to be vigilant, and the lie is that man has a mind of his own located in his body and supported by the belief that he is a body—the basis of personhood.

You cannot accept the ego as the Son of God. Real change is when you are no longer accepting that the ego is the authorizer and can coexist as the sidekick with the Son of God. The difference between the belief that man is God and the truth that God is all there is to man—the Son of God—must be reckoned with.

The Son of God is not a lie and his innocence is preserved by what the Father is being. Let your prayer be, “I simply would not have it otherwise. Thank you, Father, that wholeness is mine, for me and my brother.”

And the suspension of common sense ends!

Kingston, Washington
January 12, 2017

Posted in CONVERSATIONS | 2 Comments



PAUL.   Good afternoon, Raj.

RAJ.  Good afternoon, Paul.

PAUL.  Okay. So, I’m putting everything down and joining with y(our) clarity, intention, and guidance . . . not mine.

RAJ.   Good. When they are one, you are Home. And when they are one consistently, the perfection of everything in its true perspective is inescapable because there is nothing distracting you from it. And that simply means there are no personal idiosyncrasies getting preferential attention from you.

The effort is worth it, even though it’s difficult getting to the point of consistency.

You are the one who is upset. And you are the one who is upsetting yourself! You can prove this by being willing to consider that “there is another way to look at this”. . . no matter what “this” is . . . and then looking at it differently.

In actually doing so, you discover that all of the reactions around whatever “this” is, vanish, setting you free to easily discern how it can be resolved . . . or whether it even needs to be.

Here is how it works.

If one is feeling vulnerable, he will blame it on someone or something . . . even himself!  Everything will become a potential justification for his indignation and his abuse . . . and nothing had better get in the way of his primed volatility!

The point is that being upset is always an unforgiving, meaningless, self-righteous state of mind which holds one arrogantly at odds with whatever  he gives his valuable Attention to—wasting It on what his private negativity has twisted into a misperception of irrelevancy and unreality while refusing to see What is Really there with his unadulterated Vision.

You see?

But let’s be clear! Forgiveness is NOT the overlooking of the awfulness of life, nor the bad behavior of one’s fellow man. It is NOT a matter of choosing to allow abuse and then, in humble quiet service to such lovelessness, being “lovingly” available for more.


Forgiveness is, instead, the purposeful abandonment of one’s own misguided dedication to “rights of independence” which HE determined makes him absolutely and completely different from his Brother and his Sister . . . and his Father, too . . . and thus an individual in his own right!

Forgiveness, then, is really rediscovery, the re-embrace of all-inclusive Love which, in the absence of self-righteous judgment, Knows exactly what to do to heal when it is needed . . . and does it by illuminating the integrity of Love—the indivisibility of Brotherhood—which independence had so conscientiously obscured in the name of “individuality.”

Forgiveness is the meaning of “looking into your Brothers’ eyes and remembering God.” Uplifting words which sound quite beautiful. But when Forgiveness . . . when that which Forgiveness TRULY IS . . . is first attempted, it is not obvious that loss will not be close behind. To the contrary . . .

When privacy is yielding to the
Conscious Experience of Being,
the “sense of loss of identity”
does confront one,
and it must be

Or put another way:

When the independent thinker
yields to unpremeditated revelation
the sense of loss of identity
does confront him,
and it must be

Now, the holy instant has no existence separate from Forgiveness . . . being the means and the Meaning of the restoration of every Holy Son and Daughter of God to his or her right mind. It is not in time or space, but is divine Intention anchored in the mind . . . Forgiveness . . . which releases you from independence, isolation, fear and guilt.  It is the ever-present starting point within each one of you, which is your destination in this journey without distance, and the ONLY thing that will be lost is fear and guilt.

Forgiveness and the holy instant are what one engages in when he “risks the chance that God is All” by disregarding—making unimportant—the thought of independence in order to discover the undistorted Conscious Experience of Being being restored in him in a floodtide of expansion, no longer to be obscured in any way.

And so, Forgiveness is an inside job.

Only when our wills are joined will we be able then to look into our brothers’ eyes, remember God, confirming that which is of God and healing what is not.

Kingston, Washington
March 16, 2024

P.S.  Now, go back and read this over once again. This time, substitute the words “being joined with me” every time you see the word Forgiveness, and “not being joined with me” when you see the word unforgiving.

Confusion will disappear.

I love you.

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No matter how confused you get or how unreasonable or complicated things seem to become, the first step is always to put everything down and join with me or the Holy Spirit. You are not here to do anything alone. To TRY  is to set yourself up for failure. 




Not because of any inability on your part, but because the impossible cannot be accomplished. 


To discover this—when it is your very definite belief that you should be able to accomplish it—compounds the problem by seeming to call your credibility and your very intelligence into question. 



The result is greater  self-preoccupation, sidetracking you even further from the forever resolving Purpose and Function of the holy instant . . . of Communion . . . of Joining.


The holy instant stands forever as The Act of Joining—the threshold of the sudden shift of perception called “the miracle.” It is the only corrective step there is . . . and the only one that’s needed!


“Yes,” your ego says ingenuously, “that may be true in a spiritual sense,  but it doesn’t address the down-to-earth problem . . . the actual  situation or circumstance which threatens you and requires your attention.”


This is when you must remember that it is the ego’s “purpose” to promote the suggestion  that there is an independent stance, a state of personal (private) authority from which . . . and this is the addictive element . . . from which your identity is created and successfully confirmed as real.  


The ego is, to borrow a phrase, “a liar, and the father of it.” And any practice of the ego’s “purpose” is therefore an exercise in absolute futility, and nothing more!


This means that the suggestion  of private, independent.  authoritative “presence” (identity) is the only “evil” or “devil” to be overcome—not the down-to-earth problems, situations or circumstances which the ego points to as . . . what? 


As trials, which . . . thanks to God! . . .  you have been given the incredible capacity to cope with and thereby prove your excellence.


. . . but it’s not true!


Here is where you must be very alert. I did NOT say that one’s private, independent authoritative “presence” or identity  is the only “evil” or “devil.” 




I said the SUGGESTION  of it is the only evil. It is the mental manipulation  or mesmerizing distraction  which is the problem. 


It is the INVITATION  to become preoccupied with the “thought” of being a “thinker” and the TEMPTATION to engage as one . . . instead of simply remaining as the natural unified Conscious Awareness of Being.


This is why I am clearly and unequivocally expressing the fact that the holy instant stands forever AS the threshold of the sudden shift of perception called “the miracle.”  





to engage in it 

is the only corrective

step there is.

And it is the only one

that’s needed!




Because it breaks the artificial sensation, the false perception, of isolation, independence . . . what one characterizes as his clear-cut, distinct and unmistakable identity! 


Pay attention to the obvious! When you are overwhelmed, you are quite alone . . . quite isolated . . . without resolution . . . and oh, SO RESPONSIBLE! 


Blame, judgment and guilt are an inseparable part of this “package,” and it’s a miserable experience.


“But,” the ego says, “gird up your loins!”  “Put a rod up your backbone!”  “God gave you free will for a reason, and this is why! Take advantage of it! Exercise it!”


Fortunately, as the Holy Son or Daughter of God that You Are, and not the ego’s dupe, you will, instead, BE the meaning of the words, “Get thee behind me,” as I was after 40 days in the desert.  




Not by authoritatively commanding it (as it may have sounded like I did) but by withdrawing your attention and curiosity from the tempting “thoughts”. . . (which is what I was really doing) . . . and, in the Silence, turning your Attention to the Holy Spirit, God . . . or me. 


“Your attention is God’s treasure,” as  A Course in Miracles  points out.  And this is because in that Unity of Attention, in that Oneness of what can never really be separated, His Purpose IS, and is All That Is, and Heaven and earth are One. 


In that Unity, peace is restored. 


Or is it, really?


In that Unity, healing occurs.


Or does it, really? 




Remember: The absence  of peace and health—the various forms of sin, disease and death—are NOT actual conditions or circumstances “out there” in time and space  to be mastered. 


And this means . . . Surprise! Surprise! . . . that Atonement will not be the result of the mastery of adversity in a future Armageddon, but will be  the reconfiguration of perception here and now in the holy instant. 


In other words, it will be the resurrection of the eternal Conscious Experience of Being—which never actually ceased to be—through the transfiguration of one’s present point of view . . . 




The Apostle, Paul, expressed it this way: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2) 


What is the “pattern”  of this world he was referring to? Nothing but suggestion . . . capturing . . . the . . . attention . . . of . . . the . . . suggestible . . . temporarily distracting one from the unchangeable perfection of all that God is Being.


So, at the bottom line, he was saying, “Do not be conformed  in your mind to thoughts  arising out of an imagined need to be independently creative in order to prove your worth and validate your existence. But be forever transformed  by the renewing  of your mind, yielding to unpremeditated revelation, validating IT  by acknowledging It’s  Source, and thereby fulfilling your Function as co-creator with God.



Kingston, Washington

March 15, 2024




Posted in CONVERSATIONS | 4 Comments




Thresholds always involve the Unknown. Breathroughs always involve the Unexpected. Creation requires trust, whether It gets it or not.


Do you see what this means? It means it is impossible to be confident in any capacity you personally have regarding “what is going to happen.” You have no choice or control, nor can you ever calculate outcomes ahead of time, which is exactly why Creation is forever new . . . whether you like it or not.


Do you see that this is The Answer and not the “problem”? Do you see that without the forever element of surprise there would be no Life to have an explanation for . . . the absence of which is the definition of unconsciousness . . . nonexistence?


Do you also see that I am not legitimizing or promoting fatalism? I am not saying, “Whatever will be, will be. Take the good with the bad, and stop complaining!”


No, I am not saying that! 


Death in any form is not Life. Dying is not in any way a Life process. There is not even a hint of lifelessness in Life, and therefore it CANNOT be the ABSENCE of Life which introduces the contrasts which are necessary to give definition to Consciousness. Death does not say, “Behold!”  It does not make all things new! 


Opposites are not

nor have they ever been 

the fundamental elements
of Reality . . .

 but infinite expression 

always has.


And so, when you do feel discouraged, when you feel at a loss, incapable or inadequate because you don’t know what to do—and what “has been” no longer appears to identify fulfillment—these feelings inform you that you have become preoccupied with yourself as a “self” with a mind which is supposed to have acquired “knowledge” to use for providing order where order is absent. And that means that you are at a disadvantage, because your self-centered attention is no longer available where discovery awaits. 


It’s as simple as this: When you feel at a loss, it is because what appears to be an impossible situation seems to be making a statement about you, instead of being recognized as That which is calling for curiosity and trust because Creation is occurring without regard to a “you” which you have on your mind!


And again: The Answer  which is being interpreted as “the problem” is that Life is “on the move,” making all things new and, in so doing, arousing the experience of Consciousness on a new basis—being nothing less than fulfillment interminably full-filling Itself as Life in fairer form!


One can understand the import of this even more fully as he realizes that “Life on the move” requires being yielded to.


This is not because there is resistance to It, but because It is, Itself, the “Coming-Into-Existence” of the Conscious Experience of Being, and this Conscious Experience of Being is already complete . . . before a single thought occurs! 


As you read these words, which are being stated for the first time ever in eternity, and you experience their meanings for the first time as the Conscious Experience of Being . . . Creation, “behold, I make all things new,” has happened . . . and It and You have been the Whole of It, the “fairer form” Itself, which didn’t need a “you” to figure out a single thing!


The benefit of what I’m sharing with you in these words, rests like a jewel in the Awareness of the fact that the “you” which plans and calculates and seeks to make a good impression . . . the “thinker” who believes he can “do well” or “fail”. . . has played no part in what is here for you to see . . . relieving you of false responsibility! 


And why? 


Because entirely apart from any thoughts which might have formed as you were reading this, Creation has been happening, surprising you with the discovery that Truth, indeed, does set you free, because It is a Gift inherent in Creation, and is not the evidence of some competence or strength you have. As this Gift of grace sinks in, it fills one up with gratitude because the struggle of accomplishment is gone, undoing its attraction.


Oh, that you might just neglect to ever have another thought or an opinion or a need to make a good or powerful impression, so that you might instead, innocently and simply, and forever be the presence of Mind which does not separate Itself from the Conscious Experience of That-Which-Has-Never-Been-Before by trying to create It from scratch or adding a personal twist to It.


The ultimate is utterly simple.



Kingston, Washington

February 29, 2024



Posted in CONVERSATIONS | 2 Comments




PAUL.   Good evening, Raj. 


RAJ.   Good evening, Paul.


PAUL.   This has been a very strange day. There seems to be no direction, no purpose in motion—in other words, no movement. Just quiet. Just a lot of sleeping and resting. It could be called “peace,” but it seems that something more is needed . . . like answers, resolution, or something leading thereto!


But nothing!


Right now, it is almost impossible to bring enough focus into play in order to listen for you.


So, let’s start from scratch. Are you here?


RAJ.   Yes, Paul. I am.


PAUL.   All right. And I really just heard you say that?


RAJ.   Yes, Paul, you did.


PAUL.   So, today’s lesson is, “There is nothing to fear.”  I obviously don’t feel that. There IS something I am afraid of relative to the resolution of the lien situation . . . that there is no answer that is humane.


RAJ.   I understand.


PAUL.   That is no help. Why is there even a problem here? If we have been led to take the steps we have taken, why didn’t everything naturally happen to satisfy the lien? We certainly didn’t need a bumpy road to negotiate. What on earth could that have to do with giving voice to the Voice for Truth?


I would like to be able to look at everything we are  doing . . . and will be  doing . . . and feel the beauty and exquisiteness of the way everything is fitting together in the integrated movement of Love . . . and for both Susan and I to be feeling teamwork—unity—in the process.


Okay. Once again, I’m trying to open up dialogue with you and then doing a monologue.


RAJ.   It’s a beginning, though, Paul . . . the beginning of dialogue.


PAUL.   So, can we go directly to completing the closure of the business arrangement with the Foundation’s benefactor? Is there a way to simply have the funds to pay off the lien without going through a fund-raising process where $$$$ is both the problem and the solution?


[—Nothing heard—]


Or, is that the wrong question?


[—Nothing heard—]


RAJ.   It’s not the wrong question. It’s that in asking it, you are looking for it in the wrong place. Don’t feel into some vast emptiness or stillness in YOUR sense of YOUR mind, as though that’s Listening for me. I am not going to be revealing some “knowledge” replete in your “sense” of your “self.” Of course, you can’t feel that there is an answer when you are looking there.


The Conscious experience of Being is not within your mind—at least, not the mind with which you are approaching me. Let me put it this way: Your attention is not your mind. You may be giving direction to your attention when you turn to me, but it’s  not your mind you are turning toward me. 


Here’s another way of putting it: You may turn your eyes toward something, but it is not your sight which has been turned anywhere. Sight simply IS. Mind simply IS. That’s why It’s called the “presence of Mind” or the “presence of Sight.” It’s YOU, not “yours.”


This means that when you are bringing your attention to me, you are moving out of the realm of stored knowledge—of “facts” or memory structures which seem to define you as a “knower.”  


What it means, instead, is that you are moving your attention into the forever fluid arena of Knowing . . . into the living palpable experience of perpetual recognition . . . of “A-ha’s”. . . which never stop long  enough to become “identified” and then called “an identity.”


You see?


PAUL.   I do see, yes.  So,  am I wrong to expect that healing  is the answer, rather than settling for accommodation to limitation and “making the best with less”? And when I say “healing,” I mean restoration, redemption!


RAJ.   Indeed, that expectation is essential. It is the primitive, ultimate, and only factor involved in the correction of illusion.


PAUL.   Okay. I’m willing to embrace the unexpected, knowing that I have no way of anticipating how that will take place. But first, just to be clear, I am asking whether we are to expect to be able to remain in this house, maintain it, and live here without threat of loss? Are you saying that we’re in our right place . . . and seeing that manifest is what the “correction” will amount to . . . no matter how unexpectedly it will come about?


RAJ.   That is what I am saying, yes. You see, it’s not up to you to figure out “how to make that happen.”  That’s the Function of Creation!  Your watching and Listening for that,  is what your attention is for!


PAUL.   Fearlessly!  (In light of today’s lesson.)


RAJ.   Indeed! One cannot become still in order to Listen, and simultaneously insert fear into the equation. In that frame of mind, receptivity and expression are opposites.


But, when one does  step aside and truly Listen, Expression does spontaneously and involuntarily occur!  Not as the independent assertive authority of a “knower” of “Knowledge,” but as the unselfconscious expression of awe which is inseparable from Revelation. Here it is a singularity, a Oneness . . . and it’s called co-creation—the Father being the Son confirming the Father!


How it works is perfectly expressed, from A Course in Miracles:




“The Holy Spirit cannot speak to an unwelcoming host because He will NOT BE HEARD. The Eternal Guest remains, but His Voice grows faint in alien company. He needs your protection, but only because your care is a sign that you WANT Him. Think like Him ever so slightly, and the little spark becomes a blazing light that fills your mind so that He becomes your ONLY Guest. Whenever you ask the ego to enter, you lessen His welcome. He will remain, but YOU have allied yourself AGAINST Him. Whatever journey you choose to take, He will go with you, waiting. You can safely test His patience, for He cannot leave a part of God. Yet you need far more than patience.”


“You will never rest until you know your function AND FULFILL IT, for only in this can your will and your Father’s be wholly joined. To HAVE Him is to be LIKE Him, and He has given Himself to you. You who have God MUST be as God, for HIS function became YOURS with His gift. Invite this knowledge back into your minds, and let nothing that will obscure it enter. The Guest Whom God sent you will teach you how to do this, if you but recognize the little spark and are willing to LET IT GROW. YOUR willingness need not be perfect because His IS. If you will merely offer Him a little place, He will lighten it so much that you will gladly extend it. And by THIS extending, you will begin to remember creation.”


“Would you be hostage to the ego or host to God? You will accept only whom YOU invite. You are free to determine who shall be your guest, and how long he shall remain with you. Yet this is not REAL freedom, for it still depends on how you see it. The Holy Spirit is THERE although He cannot help you without your invitation, and the ego is nothing whether you invite it in or not. Real freedom depends on welcoming REALITY, and of your guests only He is real. Know, then, Who abides with you merely by recognizing what is there ALREADY, and do not be satisfied with imaginary comforters, for the Comforter of God is in you.”






Don’t be afraid to be steadfast in providing undivided  (fearless) attention to what the ego calls impossible. Innocent of willfulness and nurtured by willingness Revelation illumines, designates, and leads the way, in complete cooperation with Creation, instead of the manipulation of It.


It makes all the difference in the world, demonstrating that “as in heaven, so on earth, God is omnipotent, supreme.” Radical idealism becomes practical realism. And it’s called Atonement!



Kingston, Washington

February 17, 2024


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